Tag Archives: root touch up

#Movember Homage to Silver Foxes…and Top Five Quick Hair Fixes


The other night (sadly, I think it was Saturday) I was watching TV with my hubby and we came across an amazing “Dynasty” retrospective.  Narrated by none other than Rob Lowe!  Talk about a career turnaround.

I was thinking, it’s #Movember…so we should celebrate silver foxes like Blake Carrington, who demonstrated how men (and women) can grow old gracefully.  This guy always kept his cool amidst feuding ex-wives, scheming illegitimate children and a variety of other obstacles thrown his way.  Remember when Alexis orchestrated a hostile takeover of Carrington Oil?  Stress alert.

But let’s be honest.  If I let my grays grow out like Blake’s, I think strangers might point me to the nearest hair salon.  And since most of us don’t have that much time for grooming, I’ve listed our Top Five Quick Hair Fixes.  A must for the holiday and end-of-year mayhem that is coming up!  Hope this helps.

1. Dry Shampoo

We’ve tested A LOT of this stuff, and the best by far (in our opinion) is Klorane.  This brand is also sustainably made out of botanicals (oat milk and nettle, specifically) which makes us love it even more.

2. Root Touch Up

Tree roots are wonderful.  Hair roots that don’t match the rest of your head…are not.  We love L’Oreal’s Root Rescue because it works, and you can buy it at most drug stores.

3. A Comb That Really Combs

My daughter loves to comb my hair with her My Little Pony brushes.  A better option is Ricky’s ARGAN+ Detangler Comb.  It’s cheaper than a My Little Pony brush ($3.99) and it conditions your hair with Argan oil while you comb.  And it won’t get lost in your bag.  Dream.

4. Clear Hair Bands

I know, we don’t want to look like we’re channeling our high school hair do.  But, a clear hairband can come in handy when you need to pull your hair back and get down to business…and you don’t want people to actually see that you’re wearing a hairband.  Goody’s Elastics can be found on Amazon and in most drug stores, in a variety of sizes and in bulk.  And you don’t need to worry if a few land on a Pony’s head, because you have tons more in your secret stash.

5. Fight the Frizz

If you’re one of those people who has straight hair, even during a monsoon on the hottest, most humid summer day…well, then, we don’t like you.  Just kidding.  We love you, but we are seriously jealous.  If you’ve ever been challenged by frizzy hair, you must buy Tresemme’s Anti-Frizz Secret Smoothing Creme.  I wore this in Atlanta in August, and my hair maintained its shape.  Honest.

As you can see, most of these products are easy to find, easy to buy and are not expensive.  Fully endorsed by HEUCY.  Let the holiday merriment begin!


The HEUCY Team